Are you frustrated with the images you are taking of your kids?? Are they blurry, often of the backs of their heads as they run away, cheesy and predictable? Do you own a nice Point and Shoot or a Digital SLR, but have no idea how to use it other than in the Auto Mode (green box)? Do you want to learn how to shoot like a pro? Then I am happy to tell you that I have a workshop for you!
I'm proud to announce my new workshop for Moms - Photographing Children!! (Actually, it's not only for Moms but for Dads, Grand-mas, Grand-pas, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts etc... you get my point!!)
The workshop is broken down into 3 parts. During the first part, I cover the basics of how a DSLR (or nice P.S.) works in everyday language, so it's easy to grasp the concepts of Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO (I promise NO MATH will be used during this entire workshop!!). I will go over basic composition, basic lighting, and explain the different types of lenses and how they work.
The second part of the workshop is using your camera creatively to capture the lives of your children, in every detail and emotion. The idea is to teach you how to use photography to tell stories by taking photos in a creative ways. The approach is to steer clear of predictable photos ("smile for the camera") and frustrating yourselves by "posing" active, and busy kids!
The third part of the workshop is reviewing the photos that were taken based on the "homework" I gave in the previous session; Teaching the basics of post processing images using Photoshop Elements or Lightroom. I will also go over storing/cataloging and backing up of your image files, and introduce digital scrapbooking or album design.
It's a 3 day workshop taking place on: Tuesday June 8th, 6-9 pm; Saturday June 12th, 9-3 (I will have "live" models here to apply all the skills you have learned); and Tuesday June 15th, 6-9. Location TBD, but it will take place in Central Ottawa.
Contact me, or visit the workshop website
Harry Nowell.com to register! Space is limited!